Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

For other uses, see Wheat & Wheat By-Products (subplot).
Today's air quality is mauve and speckled. Welcome to Night Vale.
— Cecil

"Wheat & Wheat By-Products" is the 11th episode of Welcome to Night Vale. It was released on November 15, 2012.


An important announcement from the Night Vale Council for Commerce to regularly consume wheat & wheat by-products. Plus, the dangers of discount bloodstones, property taxes going up, and changes afoot in our health insurance policies!

Plot Developments[]

Recurring Segments[]



  • According to Meg Bashwiner, Joseph Fink created the episode because he liked the phrase "wheat and wheat by-products" so much he decided to write a story about it. [1]


Today is the last day of your life up to this point.
— Proverb


  • A version of this episode was performed live on March 20th, 2013 at Rebel Girl NYC.
  • This is the first episode to feature Meg Bashwiner in the credits, a role she continues to this day.


  1. Good Morning Night Vale episode 11, Good Morning Wheat & Wheat By-Products