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For episode 39, see "The Woman from Italy".

The Woman from Italy is an eternal goddess [1] who visits Night Vale from time to time. She seems to like drinking coffee and threatening people with violence and destruction as pain fascinates her [1]. She causes people to speak in rhymes.


  • Episode 39 "The Woman from Italy": Cecil reports that she is seen in town, though he doesn't understand why. He occasionally loses consciousness and begins to speak in rhyme.
  • Episode 87 "The Trial of Hiram McDaniels": in the Community Classifieds section, the Woman states that she didn't forget about Night Vale and might not let the citizens live the next time she visits.
  • Episode 96 "Negotiations": one of the courses offered by Simone Rigadeau as a part of the new Earth Sciences program concerns the Woman. The courses’ title is spelled in emojis.
  • Episode 104 "The Hierarchy of Angels": Steve Carlsberg calls Cecil to tell him about his meeting with the Woman; he speaks in rhymes.
  • Episode 106 "Filings": The Faceless Old Woman tells Cecil that the Woman is colluding with the Distant Prince to destroy time itself and collapse Night Vale into a dead singularity, and that the two women are good friends. Her voice changes and she speaks a few lines in rhymes.
  • Episode 108 "Cal": the Woman is scheduled to appear at the Night Vale Mall alongside the Faceless Old Woman and threaten passers-by with pain and torture.
  • Episode 109 "A Story About Huntokar": it is revealed that the Woman is one of the gods who existed before the reality did, and that she chose "everywhere but Italy" as her domain.
  • Episode 110 "Matryoshka": Steve Carlsberg mentions that she is threatening to flay Night Vale citizens alive.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Episode 109 "A Story About Huntokar"