Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

For the event, see Street Cleaning Day (event).
Bananas are hardly that slippery. But watch your step anyway. Welcome to Night Vale.
— Cecil

"Street Cleaning Day" is the 15th episode of Welcome to Night Vale. It was released on January 15, 2013.


Today is Street Cleaning Day, and the street cleaners will soon be upon us. Remain calm, and run away screaming. Plus, new music trends from Dark Owl Records, the crackdown on wheat & wheat by-product speakeasies, and we take a look at clouds.

Plot Developments[]

Recurring Segments[]

A Word From Our Sponsors[]

And now a word from our sponsors.  Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Target. Target is a great place to shop, and they would like you to consider the variety of silence in this world. The deathly silence when an argument has reached a height from which neither party can see a safe way down, and the soft, wet silence of post-coital breath catching. Silence in a courtroom, moments before a man’s life is changed completely by something so insignificant as his past, and the silence of a hospital room as a man, in front of everyone he loves, lets the heat from his clenched hands dissipate into the background hum of the universe. The quiet of outdoor distances, of wilderness, of the luxury of space, and the quiet of dead air on the radio, the sound of a mistake, of emphasis, of your own thoughts when you expected someone else’s. [PAUSE]  Shop at Target.


And now traffic. Southbound HOV lanes of Route 800, near exit 15, have large glowing arrows. Drive over the arrows and get a boost in speed. Save time and gas, and get your high-occupancy vehicle to work on time!

There's a stalled car at the downtown offramp of Eastern Expressway. Tow trucks are on the scene to euthanize the vehicle and chase away scavenging vermin.

There are several accidents to report. In fact, infinite accidents. Everything is an accident. Or at least, let us hope so. This has been traffic.


One incorporeal being said to the other, "I'm not here, too. Make friends?"
— Proverb

Weather Controversy[]

  • With the exception of the remixed episodes, this is one of only two episodes to ever have the Weather segment changed. In 2014, Tom Milsom was accused of and admitted to inappropriate sexual behaviour with an underage fan. In the Good Morning Night Vale episode, "Good Morning Street Cleaning Day", Meg stated that she was ashamed the artist was still featured, stating that she should talk to Joseph Fink about getting it changed. In "Good Morning A Beautiful Dream", Meg states that the original Weather was "canceled", and their guest artist, Mal Blum, talks about the call they got from Joseph Fink about replacing the song for the respective episode.