Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

Kellogg’s is a cereal company that has taken interest in the town of Night Vale.


According to Kellogg's, at the beginning there was nothing and then Kellogg’s came to being. It became planets and stars, soil and water, birds and trees. When the first man appeared, he found the first woman already waiting for him, and they were both called Kellogg's. When communities were formed, people started to thank Kellogg's for being alive, but Kellogg's couldn't hear them, as it is not intelligent and it created simply out of an impulse. Kellogg's is neither good nor evil, it just follows its instinct. It is eternal and when the universe ends, it will wait for what may seem like forever until a new universe is created. [1]

Activity in Night Vale[]

Kellogg's signed an agreement according to which they provided enough soil from Paris to feed the Station Management for a month in exchange for the Night Vale Community Radio talking exclusively about them for three years. This led to traffic reports being replaced with a segment called Common Kellogg’s Questions, in which listeners ask questions about cereal and Cecil reads the answers he was provided with (although he insists that they are "off the cuff answers that are not written down for [him]").

The company approached John Peters (you know, the farmer?) with an offer to buy his imaginary corn for their imaginary Corn Flakes, but John refused to sell it to them, explaining he already had a deal with Flakey O's.

Kellogg's replaced all food in schools with cereal, claiming that it is the only food containing "all the protein, vitamins and corn that a body needs to live". Their cereal was also made the only food available at the Night Vale Boy Scouts' bake sale. They sponsored a softball match, which meant that softballs were replaced with fistfuls of Apple Jack's and the company's employees were hurling boxes of cereal at players. They also placed a six-inch deep layer of Special K over Grove Park, however the reason for doing this is unknown.

After several disagreements, Kellogg's bought out Flakey O's, which, after the "mysterious" disappearance of its chief executive Leopold Toosdale couldn't resist the hostile takeover. Flakey O's then became the research wing of Kellogg's, dedicated to testing out the concept of cereals meant only for night time.

Friday was officially renamed Kellogg's day and using the old name may result in fines or disappearances. [1]

