Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

Kasper Rhodes is a man who quite recently arrived in Night Vale and the owner of the Quality Cryogenics Corporation.

After time in Night Vale started to work properly and its citizens started to age like everybody else, Kasper arrived in time claiming to have an answer for them. His offer was cryogenics, with an operation of removing people's brains and storing them in an unused grain silo on the edge of town.[1] Kasper was able to convince most of Night Vale citizens to enroll in his program. It was however revealed that his true purpose was enslaving the frozen brains in order to power robots that will serve as humanity's slaves in the future. He was also revealed to be a worshiper of the Smiling God[2] and an actual time traveller. When the people of Night Vale tried to raise against him, Rhodes brought a robot army from the future to help him. Despite Rhodes' efforts, many of the robots were able to break their programming and fight with the Night Vale citizens against the man who enslaved them. A huge battle started, and during the fight Rhodes was killed. His brain was then put into one of the robots and he was made to work for the Mariam McDonald Memorial Fund, the goal of which is the complete removal of all sand from the sand wastes. It's not known how long it will take Rhodes to complete this task, but it's assumed it may take him literally forever.[3]

In an after-credits scene in The Battle for Time, it is implied he may have been devoured by the Smiling God while cleaning the sand wastes.



  1. Episode 156 "The Trouble with Time"
  2. Episode 157 "The Promise of Time"
  3. Episode 158 "The Battle for Time"