Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

Junius Duncan is a sophomore at the Night Vale High School and the quarterback of the Night Vale Scorpions.

Duncan has a small frame. He is 5’4’’ and weights 120 pounds. He can leap up to 20 times his own height, shoot webs, and produce paralyzing venom. He has eight legs, which suggests he is a jumping spider. As he has no arms, his accuracy is very low. [1]

When a new rule was introduced stating that football players must have two or fewer legs, it looked like he wasn't going to be able to play. Latrice Beaumont found a way to circumvent the rule by putting gloves on six of Junius' legs and telling him to walk only on two. He scored six touchdowns and Night Vale won 52-45. [1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Episode 134 "Fall Football Preview"