Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

The City Hall is the main local government building in Night Vale, and the center of the city's municipal authorities. The City Council has its offices here, as do the Mayor and most municipal departments. It was recently taken over by the dragons, who banished City Council and the mayor out of it, and are currently holding it[1].

City Hall has multiple stories[2] and a roof. There is a lawn and a tulip garden in front of the building, but they are poorly maintained[3]. It is possible that City Hall has few branches around town, accommodating the different departments of the municipality.

The building is shrouded in black velvet after dark[4]. During the StrexCorp occupation of Night Vale, it was covered by a yellow tarp stamped with an orange triangle[5].

Departments and Offices

Re-Education Department

Citizen reeducation is presumably held at City Hall, as citizens must report there. [6][7]

Night Vale Hall of Public Records

The Night Vale Public Records Office is described by Cecil as "one of the most secure and dangerous places in Night Vale". All public records, including the Registry of Middle School Crushes, are kept in the Hall of Public Records where the public cannot see them[8]. This is also the place where entities who want to be considered legally existing should register at, as did the angels.

Night Vale Sanitation Department

The Night Vale Sanitation Department runs the Night Vale Landfill, and periodically issues guidelines for the appropriate use of this civic resource[9].

Night Vale Department Public Safety

The Night Vale Department of Public Safety is the municipal body responsible for public safety and security in Night Vale, most notably road safety. The DPS is often mentioned in the context of constructions and repainting of Night Vale's major transporte routes, such as Route 800[6][10].

Night Vale Highway Department

The Night Vale Highway Department is a government organization in Night Vale, presumably tasked with the maintenance of the town's highways, such as Route 800 and the Eastern Expressway. The Highway Department's road workers wear orange vests and black balaclavas, and are known to possess vast interplanetary secrets[11]. The department is also tasked with regulating Night Vale's billboards[12].

Prophecy Tablets

These tablets prophesize the career choices of at least some Night Vale residents. Cecil Palmer's future as the host of Night Vale Community Radio was foretold here[13].

Other Offices and Departments

  • Mayoral office
  • City Council chambers
  • Night Vale Parks Department
  • Municipal Utility Department
  • Night Vale Water Department
  • Animal Control Department

Other Notable Facts

  • The Night Vale farmer's market is held in the City Hall parking lot on Sunday mornings in the summer and fall.[14]
  • The quarterly Night Vale lottery is held in front of City Hall. It is mandatory, and winners are disemboweled and fed to the wolves of the Night Vale Petting Zoo. [7]
  • Glass cases containing Eternal Scouts Franklin Wilson and Barton Donovan are kept in front of City Hall as "a reminder, to all who pass, of the risks and rewards of bravery."[15]
  • The alley behind City Hall is the traditional place for candidates to await the results of the mayoral election. [16]

