Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

I sometimes wish I could tell you more, but I cannot. I cannot tell you everything I think you should hear because it is... boring. Or, it is unnecessary. Or it is very necessary, but unapproved. There are many reasons I cannot always tell you what I want to tell you, but the main reason is that you need to find it out for yourself. I could preach, and teach, and shout, and explain, but no lesson is as powerful as the lesson learned on one’s own.
— Cecil Gershwin Palmer

Cecil Gershwin Palmer[1][2] is the host of the community radio station in the strange town of Night Vale, and one of the town's most prominent citizens. Known for his eccentric persona and impossible ability to report on events as they are occurring, he is the husband of the scientist Carlos Robles, and has reported through many of the town's greatest supernatural disasters.

Physical characteristics

Cecil's physical appearance is deliberately unspecified [citation needed], and not even Cecil knows what he looks like.[3] There is strong evidence that he may be immortal, extremely old, and/or a time traveler, despite appearing to be much younger than he actually is.[4] Cecil is described by both Kevin and himself as "a man," and is described as having hair and a nose similar to Kevin's.[5] He is also described as being of medium height and weight.[5] He is confirmed to have hair, when he describes it withdrawing and then returning to his scalp in episode 72.[6] He is also confirmed to have two eyes and wears contact lenses for astigmatism.[7]

In episode 54, Carlos witnesses Cecil shaving, via the mysterious photos in the mountain lighthouse, implying he can but does not wish to grow facial hair. In episode 147, Cecil also states that he has "never liked beards on men," possibly including himself.[8][9]

While Cecil has been alive since before the town of Night Vale existed, although he doesn't know how old he is, Leonard Burton states that Cecil "[doesn't] look a day older than when [Cecil] started working for [Leonard]."[4][10]

Cecil has a strange sense of fashion in the context of our world, however it is not indicated that his clothing choices are odd in Night Vale. Cecil wore furry pants and his best tunic to his first date with Carlos.[11] A cummerbund and capri pants to work for professionalism.[12] Changed from jeans to a professional radio hosting unitard.[7] He wore yellow sponge clogs, cat ears, and tights; a black plastic poncho, cat ears, and orange galoshes during the events of the episode 72.[6] To his wedding, Cecil wore a black tuxedo and white bow tie, open-toed polished black shoes, a burgundy velvet cape, earrings made from repurposed car keys, and a top hat with furry tassels hanging from the brim.[13] In episode 69, Cecil wore a honeycomb hat, a Hawaiian shirt, and leather pants to sleep and then to the radio station, which was fashionable enough to be saved from the Sphere, which would take all unfashionable people.[14]

While Cecil does not know what he looks like, he recognized himself slowly rotting when texting Dana in episode 40, when she was still trapped in the Desert Otherworld. In this photograph, he describes himself as having white hair, however it is not known whether this is just the rotting version of him, or all versions.[15] He is described as looking like he could be related to someone who is possibly Cal in episode 106.[16]

In the novel It Devours!, it is implied that Cecil has chest hair.[17]

In episode 246, it is revealed that Cecil physically resembles both his father and Abby, sharing their dimples and nose with a thin bridge that upturns at the tip.[18]

In fanart, Cecil is usually depicted as being in his mid forties, with a third eye on his forehead.


Cecil is generally friends and well acquainted with the people of Night Vale. Although he doesn't seem aware of it, he is quite possibly one of the town's most prominent citizens.

Despite being quite friendly, he tends to hold grudges, for example, he had a grudge against Steve Carlsberg since his sister married him till episode 110, a grudge against Telly for cutting Carlos' hair in episode 3, and a grudge against Susan Willman, even after she reveals herself to be Huntokar.

He is described by both Jackie Fierro and Carlos as being overenthusiastic about most things.[19] He struggles with impulse control, but knows this, and uses it to his advantage by pretending to give away the heist plan in episode 71.[20]

While he comes across as a decent, kind, and ethical person, and sees himself as such, calling himself "innocent and kind," he is comfortable with many horrific things in cooperation with the authorities, such as legalized murder.[21][22] This doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary for Night Vale citizens.

While Cecil is generally quite cheerful, he is also often somber, and can switch between the two quite quickly. Additionally, he often experiences memory loss and dissociation, some of which is connected to supernatural happenings, such as possession.

He is very fond and proud of Night Vale, despite its horrors, many of which he has experienced firsthand, and during uncertain and/or dangerous times can often be found in his booth providing updates and comfort as he can. Though he is quick to praise the City Council, the Sheriff's Secret Police, and their draconian policies, his views on many social issues are surprisingly tolerant for a resident of a police state, and he even occasionally calls out the town's crooked politicians on air, despite the risk of retaliation. Occasionally he criticizes one of these bodies, and he is the only Night Vale citizen, excluding deceased Old Woman Josie, to publicly acknowledge the existence of angels[23].

While he's rarely actively malicious, he treats his interns dismissively and either doesn't notice or doesn't care about the intern death toll, sounding genuinely hurt and/or offended at the suggestion that something is wrong with his management style. The show also repeatedly shows him willing to use his professional reach and influence for personal reasons: he set the town against Telly the Barber for the crime of cutting Carlos' hair[24], makes interns copyedit his fanfiction[25] and manage his social media accounts[26], and helped his niece break into City Hall[20]. He seems to be oblivious to the impact of those actions, however.

All of this goes to show that Cecil's belief systems and living circumstances require a tremendous amount of cognitive dissonance. His broadcasts often are internally contradictory, contain impossible instructions, although that may just be how Night Vale works, or get banned midway and must be renounced. Cecil occasionally gets in trouble with Station Management for describing things that are indescribable or discussing things that are not supposed to be discussed, and he worries — openly and on air — that he will get in trouble with the authorities. Despite this, he remains enthusiastic about nearly all upcoming events, even those involving death and destruction — so long as they are scheduled by the city's leaders, of course.

From time to time, things come up that expose and clarify this cognitive dissonance. His delivery can sometimes give the impression that the words he speaks express different things than the thoughts in his mind — and that he tries to repress or change at least some of these thoughts. His blasé attitude towards the discrepancies in his own memories implies that he does his best to ignore them and avoids trying to resolve them.


Cecil presumably existed, along with the radio station, before Night Vale did. Though Cecil ages from adolescence to adulthood, episode 67 suggests he exists somewhat beyond time, or at least, lives much longer than humans normally do.[4] He frequently states that he doesn't know how old he is.

When Cecil was five years old, the prophecies were revealed saying that he would become the voice of Night Vale. That was when he first got his Little Reporter's Book of Big Boy Note Taking, a book he makes notes in always, even when he's not aware of it, and even when he's not holding a pen. [Citation needed]

Cecil's mother was implied to be neglectful towards him, and his father is implied to have left or died when Cecil was young. When Abby and Cecil were young, she would take them out to Redwood Remains State Park to leave flowers at tree, walking fast in order to lose Abby and Cecil in the forest. When going to this forest, Cecil was told to go into a tree by either Cal or his father, likely his father. This may have been the tree Cecil's mother left flowers at.[27] He and Abby used to be babysat by Jerrod Bansky's mom.[28]

He sings the Night Vale High fight song in episode 33, and he says he played Pippin in his high school's avant-garde production of the musical "South Pacific."[2] He was a member of the Night Vale Boy Scouts, earning an Advanced Siege-Breaking Tactics badge at the age of 12 and a Subversive Radio Host badge at an unspecified age.[29][30]

When Cecil was 14, his mother abandoned Cecil, leading to Abby having to drop out of college to look after Cecil, leading to resentment between the two of them.[31]

Cecil was interested in radio hosting early on. At age 15, he started recording himself on cassette tapes, enthusiastically imitating previous NVCR host Leonard Burton.[2] While recording these cassette tapes, he began to see a mysterious flickering out of the corner of his eye which increased in frequency when he spoke or sang.[2] Eventually, Cecil did land an internship at NVCR, before both Night Vale and radio came to be, and got to work with his idol, Leonard. But the mysterious flickering got stronger and Cecil either blacked out or died, after seeing the Dark Planet.[2] In "Filings", it is revealed that flickering was Cecil from 2017 and when teenage Cecil sees adult Cecil in a mirror in the station bathroom, teenage Cecil passes out or dies, and disappears from the future.[16] The flickering, or the thing that called teenage Cecil to pass out or die could potentially be the creature from episode 171, as it is implied that this is what his mother told him would kill him.[32]

Cecil claims to have traveled to Europe after college. Cecil specifically mentions the countries of Svitz, Franchia, and Luftnarp, and seems completely unaware that they don't actually exist anywhere in Europe in real life.[33] Cecil also claims to have met Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) during this trip and witnessed him inventing the radio. [citation needed] It is clear that NVCR predates radio itself, although it is unclear how the show was disseminated before radio.[4] It is also unclear how Cecil had cassette tapes at age 15 when they weren't invented until 1962.

Otherwise, Cecil has never mentioned leaving Night Vale and seems unaware of conditions outside of it. Despite living in America, he has never heard of Michigan, Alabama, Oregon, or Ohio.

Cecil became host of the NVCR during World War 2, and his first broadcast as host concerned the war effort.[4] In 1983, Night Vale would have been destroyed, but Huntokar prevented it, splitting Night Vale into multiple Night Vales.[34]

Some time when Cecil was an adult, his mother came back.[22] Cecil felt flat and sad about this.[35] Cecil and Abby tried to patch up their relationship, and a few months later, their mother died.[35] Sometime, Abby married Steve, in Cecil's eyes robbing Cecil of the opportunity to care for Janice, Abby's daughter and Cecil's niece.[36]


Cecil's Mother

Cecil's mother was an oracle, who predicted Cecil's death involving a mirror and a snake-like being with a human face[32][37]. She was a neglectful mother towards Cecil, and she frequently hid from him, which Cecil interpreted as her being proud.[2] She left when he was 14, something that caused him great pain, and reappeared when he was an adult, something that made him sad.[31][35] She gave Cecil a cassette recorder when he was 15 for his birthday, and was seemingly around for Cecil to notice she was gone after that.[2]

In episode 56, Cecil is excited to see his mother again, but is not able to and is angry and disappointed, showing that he misses his mother.[38]

Cecil's Father

Cecil does not speak of his father, and he is a mysterious figure, even to Cecil himself.[39] It is implied he looks like Cecil.[27] In episode 182, Cecil intends to talk about his, Carlos, and their son Esteban's trip to Redwood Remains State Park, but ends up speaking of a man, presumably his father, urging a boy, presumably either Cecil or himself, into a tree.[27] Later, Cecil finds a cassette tape of himself going into the tree three times in a row, but Cecil thinks the tape is blank, and doesn't remember those times or his, Carlos, and Esteban's trip.[27]

In episode 192, Cecil speaks of his recent rewatch of Cat Ballou, and a previously unnoticed face in the background of many shots, staring directly at Cecil. In the last 20 minutes of the film, the person runs through the forest and digs someone out of the ground by a tree.[39] Cecil recognizes both men as his father.[39] Later, he has a dream about this person, but doesn't hear anything they say.[39]

In episode 224, Cecil finds himself in his childhood home after watching a YouTube video. In the computer room, he finds a man who he recognizes from Cat Ballou.[40] Cecil asks the man, presumably Cecil's father, what he wants.[40] The man says he wants Cecil to "remember", and that he has "no choice" but to remember. Cecil refuses to speak further about it.[40]

Abby Palmer

Abby is Cecil's sister, Steve Carlsberg's wife, and Janice's mother. Cecil and Abby had a strained relationship, due to Cecil and Abby's mother disappearing when Cecil was 14, causing Abby to have to drop out of college to take care of Cecil.[31] Abby resented Cecil for this, and Cecil resented Abby in turn.[31][18] When their mother returned, they started to patch thing up, but are not exceptionally close, though they do love each other.[31][41][18]

Brother/Cal Palmer

In episode 33, teenage Cecil mentions a brother, with whom he had a strained relationship.[2] This brother was disappointed with him, and told him that he'd never make it in radio, because he didn't have the right voice for it.[2] In episode 106, Cecil sees teenage Cecil's wallet, and notes that he's standing next to a young man with whom he looks related, presumably his brother.[16] Towards the endo of episode 33, Cecil says his brother is "gone now" and doesn't elaborate on what happened to him.[2] In episode 108, Cecil was visited by Cal, his brother, presumably his brother in episode 33 as well.[42] He was worried to tell Cal that he had a husband, not a girlfriend, even though it had never been a problem in Night Vale.[42] Cal reminisced about their childhood together, playing pranks on their neighbours.[42]

Janice Palmer

Janice Palmer is Cecil's niece. He loves her and is very supportive of her, but took Steve Carlsberg's role as her and Abby's provider instead of him personally.

Steve Carlsberg

Steve Carlberg is Cecil's brother in law. He hated Steve Carlsberg for taking the role of provider for Abby and Janice away from him, but came to respect and view him as a friend after Steve called him out for being rude in episode 110.[36] After episode 110, they became close friends, however Steve is uncomfortable with Cecil still talking about him on the radio so often.[43]

Carlos Robles

Carlos Robles is Cecil's husband. They first met in the first episode, where Cecil fell in love with Carlos at first sight.[44] Carlos was also in love with Cecil, but was shy.[45] In episode 25, after Carlos almost died, they finally got together, and watched the lights above the Arby's together.[46] Soon after, they went on their first date.[11] In episode 100, they got married, and they have a son together.[10][47]


In the liveshow A Spy in the Desert, it was revealed that Cecil and Carlos have a son called Esteban, the Spanish version of Steven, named after Steve Carlsberg.[47][48] As of episode 202, Esteban is 4 years old.[49]

Other Family

In episode 8, Cecil says he learned the following adage from his grandparents: "A life of pain is the pain of life, and you can never escape it—only hope it hides, unknown, in a drawer like a poisonous spider and never comes out again, even though it probably will, in unexpected and horrific fashion, scaring you from being able to comfortably conduct even the most mundane, quotidian tasks."[50]

He has a cousin Sabina, though it is not known which side of the family she is from.[7]


Dana Cardinal

Dana Cardinal is a former intern of NVCR, but was elected Night Vale Mayor (despite having not run for the position). Cecil and Dana seem fond of each other and the latter seems to be the only intern Cecil shows any prolonged concern for. They are Facebook friends and kept in contact via text, phone calls, and astral projection when Dana was trapped in The Dog Park, The House That Does Not Exist and as she explores the Desert Otherworld that contained the Blinking Light on the Mountain and the Masked Army.

After a couple of incidents in which he apparently rescued her, even though he never remembers said incidents, Cecil believes that she bought Lot 37, Cecil himself, at an auction held by the Sheriff's Secret Police. Because he resents his body being thus used without his consent, even to help a friend, this causes a rift between them. However, in episode 70B, Hiram McDaniels's purple head, Violet, admits to having purchased Lot 37 and used him to thwart the plans of the other four heads. At the opera after-party, Dana and Cecil appear to reconcile.

Earl Harlan

Earl Harlan, currently a sous-chef at the Tourniquet, is Cecil's childhood best friend. They were in the Boy Scouts together. In episode 23, Earl grabs Cecil's arm during this episode and sadly tells him, "We could have had something, Cecil. Always remember that."[51] In that same episode, Earl was dragged away by strange mute children, but Cecil wistfully mentions later that he often thinks about Earl's last words to him.[51] Later on, Earl is hosted several times in the show, in a cooking tips and recipes segment called "Cooking Stuff With Earl Harlan." In episode 56, Earl and Cecil mention that they graduated from Night Vale High School the same year, although neither can remember which year.[38] Earl also says that he stayed 19 years old for a long time and then suddenly found himself middle-aged with a child and no idea how he got to that point.[38]

The Beautiful Young Man From Luftnarp

Cecil talks about meeting with a "beautiful, ashen-faced young man" in a local alehouse in Europe,[33] with whom it's implied he was on the verge of being in a relationship with before they parted ways at the end of the episode. The man sees Cecil off as he boards the bus home and, as the man turns to leave, Cecil wistfully laments over, "this thing between [us], that seemed so possible now already and forever never was."[33]

Old Woman Josie

It's mentioned that he used to go bowling with Old Woman Josie and the two used to play on a team together. They speak to each other like old friends. Cecil mourned her when she died.

Guillermo Marconi

He taught Cecil "all sorts of things, all sorts of things, all sorts," implying a physical relationship.

Apache Tracker

Cecil views the Apache Tracker as racist and appropriating Apache culture for dressing in stereotypical Apache clothing and practicing "ancient Indian magics." He respected him for sacrificing himself to save Carlos, but still viewed him as a jerk.[46]

Telly the Barber

Cecil and the entire town of Night Vale drove Telly out of town for giving Carlos a haircut the town deemed bad. Carlos forgave Telly, but Cecil held a grudge.[24][52]


Cecil distrusts and hates Kevin due to his monstrous nature and because he is affiliated with StrexCorp and Desert Bluffs. However, during episode 73, they bonded, and Cecil mourned the friendship they never had.[53]


  • Initially, he (as a character) did not have a name, and was simply the host of Night Vale Community Radio. It was originally supposed to be "narrated" by Cecil (rather than hosted by Cecil).[54]
    • He first refers to himself as Cecil in episode 5.[55] His fifteen-year-old self reveals his full name in episode 33.[2]
    • He shares his first name with his voice actor, stage actor and director Cecil Baldwin, who lives in North Carolina. "Cassette" reveals that he doesn't share the rest of the actor's name, which many fans previously assumed was the case.
    • Cecil Baldwin said in a Nov 15, 2013 interview, that the character's surname of Palmer was chosen by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor as an homage to David Lynch's cult classic horror series, Twin Peaks.[56] Presumably, it is a reference to the character Laura Palmer, whose murder most of the series revolves around.
  • Cecil appears vocally in all but nine episodes: "Company Picnic", "Taking Off", "A Story About Huntokar", "All Smiles' Eve", , "The Mudstone Abyss Part 1", "The Mudstone Abyss Part 2", "The Mudstone Abyss Part 3", "The Birthday of Lee Marvin", "The Broadcaster"
  • Cecil is part of the minority of Night Vale residents who can feel pain.[57]
  • Cecil is assumed to be an Aquarius (Born January 20 to February 18) based on his highly specific horoscope in Episode 51, "Rumbling", to calm himself during Carlos' absence in the Desert Otherworld, however does not know when his exact birthday is.[3]
    • While never directly stated, he is heard shouting in pain when the StrexPet bites his leg.
  • He claims to be fighting Lyme disease.[24][58]
  • He seems to enjoy alcohol, and is mentioned getting tipsy on cheap wine during his college days while in Europe and leisurely drinking brandy while on the phone to Carlos.
    • Cecil may have had a more serious issue with alcohol, at least during Carlos' absence from Night Vale, as during that time, the Aquarius horoscope - Cecil's - suggests that he should "perhaps take up drinking while crying in a quiet room."[59]
  • Cecil mentions enjoying the 1965 western comedy movie Cat Ballou so much that he's unable to tear himself away, missing an important phone call.[60] He also mentions rewatching it five times when his niece Janice stayed with him while her parents were on holiday.[14] Carlos suggested that they could rewatch The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, during the events of episode 38.[61] He has also mentioned that he has seen all of Lee Marvin's films.
  • He mentions being glad that he got to see how popular TV series, Breaking Bad ended.[62]
  • He once owned a hamster that died two weeks after he got it.[63]
  • Despite being deeply attached to the floating cat in the station men's bathroom, Khoshekh, and gushing over the cuteness of cat videos on the internet, he implies he is a dog person.[64]
  • He has a Tumblr blog. He uses it to share his wood carvings of Khoshekh and his Hannibal fan poetry.[25][65]
  • He has written a Jaws slash fic, which he got Intern Maureen to copy-edit.[66] He's also briefly mentioned writing multiple Hannibal fanfics, though it's unclear whether he's referring to the TV series, or the movie franchise, or possibly the ancient Carthaginian general.[65]
  • His oddly specific, and painful, horoscope in episode 51 implies that he is an Aquarius, meaning that he was born sometime in January or February.[59]
  • Cecil is Jewish, as confirmed by Joseph Fink in "Ghost Stories." Cecil makes several references to his Jewish roots throughout the series:
    • He attended Torah school.[67]
    • Khoshekh's name. Khoshekh (חושך) means "darkness" in Hebrew.
    • In episode 113, he offers Sabina gefilte fish from the station break room.[7]
  • It is revealed in Episode 129 that, having lived in a desert his whole life, Cecil does not know how to swim.
  • After talking about Lee Marvin's birthday in episode 139, it is revealed that Cecil really gets into birthdays, but can't remember when his own birthday is--even though he seems to know his zodiac sign.[68]
  • It is revealed in the live show "A Spy in the Desert" that Cecil has a great secret that he would never reveal to anybody. This secret is that he has a son named Esteban.[47]
  • He studied Runic as his language in college.[69]
  • In "Through The Narrow Place" its revealed Cecil can take pictures of Khoshekh without any injuries and posting them on his snapchat.[70]


  1. Spelling of Cecil Gershwin Palmer
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Episode 33 "Cassette"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Episode 126 "A Door Ajar, Part 3"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Episode 67 "[Best Of?]"
  5. 5.0 5.1 Episode 19A "The Sandstorm"
  6. 6.0 6.1 Episode 72 "Well of Night"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Episode 113 "Niecelet"
  8. Episode 54 "A Carnival Comes to Town"
  9. Episode 147 "The Protester"
  10. 10.0 10.1 Episode 100 "Toast"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Episode 27 "First Date"
  12. Episode 95 "Zookeeper"
  13. Listener Questions 7
  14. 14.0 14.1 Episode 69 "Fashion Week"
  15. Episode 40 "The Deft Bowman"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Episode 106 "Filings"
  17. It Devours!
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Episode 246 "A Story About Him" (transcript)
  19. Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel
  20. 20.0 20.1 Episode 71 "The Registry of Middle School Crushes"
  21. Episode 45 "A Story About Them"
  22. 22.0 22.1 "Condos"
  23. Episode 104 "The Hierarchy of Angels"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Episode 3 "Station Management"
  25. 25.0 25.1 Episode 49A "Old Oak Doors Part A"
  26. Episode 76 "An Epilogue"
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Episode 182 "It Sticks With You"
  28. Episode 213 "Murals"
  29. Episode 42 "Numbers"
  30. Episode 36 "Missing"
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 "Ghost Stories"
  32. 32.0 32.1 Episode 171 "Go to the Mirror?"
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Episode 21 "A Memory of Europe"
  34. Episode 109 "A Story About Huntokar"
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Episode 181 "C****s"
  36. 36.0 36.1 Episode 110 "Matryoshka"
  37. Episode 26 "Faceless Old Woman"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 Episode 56 "Homecoming"
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Episode 192 "It Doesn't Hold Up"
  40. 40.0 40.1 40.2 Episode 224 "Liminal Spaces"
  41. Episode 53 "The September Monologues"
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Episode 108 "Cal"
  43. Episode 190 "Listeners"
  44. Episode 1 "Pilot"
  45. Episode 167 "Echo"
  46. 46.0 46.1 Episode 25 "One Year Later"
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 "A Spy in the Desert"
  48. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esteban
  49. Episode 202 "The Day After the Day"
  50. Episode 8 "The Lights in Radon Canyon"
  51. 51.0 51.1 Episode 23 "Eternal Scouts"
  52. Episode 133 "Are You Sure?"
  53. Episode 73 "Triptych"
  54. Random Number Generator Horror Podcast No. 9 Episode 7 "Paranormal Activity (2007)"
  55. Episode 5 "The Shape in Grove Park"
  56. "Welcome to Night Vale: Amy Dallen Interviews Cecil Baldwin" by Geek and Sundry
  57. Episode 43 "Visitor"
  58. Live show "Thrilling Adventure Hour & Welcome to Night Vale Crossover"
  59. 59.0 59.1 Episode 51 "Rumbling"
  60. Episode 30 "Dana"
  61. Episode 38 "Orange Grove"
  62. Episode 35 "Lazy Day
  63. Episode 22 "The Whispering Forest"
  64. Episode 9 ""PYRAMID""
  65. 65.0 65.1 Episode 74 "Civic Changes"
  66. Episode 88 "Things Fall Apart"
  67. Episode 90 "Who's a Good Boy? Part 2"
  68. Episode 139 "The Birthday of Lee Marvin"
  69. Episode 176 "The Autumn Specter"
  70. Episode 75 "Through the Narrow Place"