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For episode 108, see "Cal".

Cal Palmer is Cecil Palmer's brother in one of the alternate timelines.

It's assumed that Cal is the brother mentioned in "Cassette," although there is some discrepancy. Per "Cassette" Cecil's mother and brother go missing sometime when he's 15.[1] However in "Cal," Cal is in Cecil's life well into his adulthood.[2]


Cal is assumed to be homophobic, as Cecil comments that most people would not care that Cecil likes men, but he felt that for some reason Cal would.[2]

Cal drives a brick red 1980 Mercury Monarch, with a broken bumper and headlight (which looked to have been taped into place). When Cecil comments on this, Cal says that's just how they make them, and teases him for not understanding cars.[2] It's unclear why Cal's car is in such a state of disrepair, given that the Mercury Monarch was in production from 1975-1980, and that this timeline exists in the early 1980s, and thus it's likely his car was fairly new. However, the Mercury Monarch has a very bad history of being a lackluster hunk of junk, and Cal's comment may be an accurate reflection of this.[3]

Often Cal refuses to take notice of uncomfortable subjects; his declining health, the loss of his wife, the poor status of his car, Cecil's discomfort at broaching his sexuality, Cecil's confusion at his memories not matching Cal's own. He prefers to make jokes, or tease Cecil, to make him follow along with the flow Cal sets to a conversation. The only stated time Cecil does not follow Cal's pace is when he insists on asking after Cal's wife Bethany, he quickly resorts to shoving Cecil and crying out, bruising him quickly.[2]

Cal doesn't drink any kind of beverage.[2] It's unclear why, but radiation exposure can make swallowing difficult.[4]

Cal discourages Cecil from pursuing a career in radio.[1]

Physical Appearance[]

Cal has hollow eyes[1] and dark hair.[2]

Cecil describes him as a "radiation sick man", pale and gaunt.[2] During his visit to Cecil, this claim is supported by Cal losing chunks of hair, vomiting blood, and having his teeth fall out, all very severe symptoms of radiation sickness.[5]

He smells like Rosemary.[2]


Early Life[]

According to Cal he and Cecil were seemingly very close when they were young. He remembers them sneaking out late at night, vandalizing cars and houses, and looking up dirty words in the dictionary. Cecil remembers them going camping near Higgins Lake with their mother and family friends.[2]

Contrary to the memories provided, Cecil talks about his brother in a distant manner in his reality;[1] notably Cal dissuades him from the radio, saying he doesn't have the voice for it. While listening to his childhood cassette tapes Cecil tells a tale of a Cal who does not recognize, or support, his merits. Cecil complains that he wishes his brother would be proud of him, and shows a clear discomfort with his brother staring at him and howling. This becomes the last mention of Cal for Cecil, as both Cal and Cecil's mother disappear, Cal being the only one Cecil associates with disapproval. Cecil's mother has a stated history of disappearing that Cecil has taken for approval; when Cecil first joined the radio station she disappeared for three days, which he reacted with exuberance saying she must be so proud of him. Opposed to this reception, Cal's own disappearance is regarded with discomfort Cecil attempts to laugh off as common family behavior. [1]

Late Life[]

Cal lives near Eagle Farm up on the mountain. He's a widower and his late-wife's name is Bethany. It's unknown how Bethany died, but mention of it causes Cal to lash out physically.[2] In Cecil's current timeline, Cal is supposed to be in the Dog Park, as the only citing of a mountain would be from The Distant Prince[6] and the mountain that Dana finds[7] while stranded, searching for a way home.

The other universe of Cal is from a reality in which Night Vale was impacted by nuclear war.[6] The combination of radiation sickness, Cecil's observation that "no photo was older than [...] the early 1980s,"[2] and Cal's groaning of "the bomb"[8] support this. He seems to have affection for Cecil, as opposed to the treatment the version of Cecil we follow received from him in his childhood. Either way, he returns several times in the duration of the plot line to plead Cecil to return with him to his Night Vale.[2][8]

