Welcome to Night Vale Wiki

I will make Night Vale a better place if it kills me. Or if I kill me.
— Dana

"A Matter of Blood Part 1" is the 127th episode of Welcome to Night Vale. It was released on May 1, 2018.

Official Synopsis[]

Mayor Cardinal intends to expand her power. Her behavior becomes more and more concerning.

Episode Summary[]

Dana Cardinal tells Cecil that she plans to change the way Night Vale's government works, putting more control in the hands of the people. When Cecil tells the radio show this, people such as City Council and Tamika Flynn become upset. Dana is seen "acting strangely" in town, asking people where she was. Dana kills a traffic cop and is wanted for murder by Sheriff's Secret Police. At the end of the episode, Dana makes a statement and says that her double, or maybe the original Dana, has returned to Night Vale, and that she is going to run away.

Plot Developments[]


Recurring Segments[]


Hey, what’s your sign? Mine’s a stop sign. I stole it from an intersection, and I hold it up every time someone tries to talk to me.
— Proverb
